Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last Day of Childhood

Tomorrow, L will become a teen, officially (not that he isn't already participating in the attitude...). As such, we had a party to plan. This year he said, and I quote, "Mom, I'm going to be a teen this year. I don't really want a big themed party. Can we just have a BBQ at the park?" My heart sank; I love giving themed parties! Anyhow, a few days pass, and we start talking about what he wants. I asked what sort of cake he wants, and he replies, "I want something that will go well with the BBQ theme." LOL So much for out-growing themed parties... He had a cookbook (yes, it is his--not mine or Craig's), in which he found this idea. He is becoming quite the chef these days--loves taking home economics even! We are 2 cobs down; 10 more (or so) to go. I still have to add the butter pats (laughy taffy) and salt (sugar), but I am not unhappy with how they are turning out. Wish I were a better at cake stuff though...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nothing Accomplished

How can I possibly be as unmotivated as I am? I've not scrapbooked, prepped lesson plans, prepared for L's birthday, or anything of value for the past week. I did have my mother up twice, and she will be here again today for a couple of hours (respite for her and my sister), and I've taken dozens of photos of the kittens, as shown above. Still, how did I let the time just slip away so quickly. Today, I must get my rear in gear and get stuff done!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm missing my brother this week. He is back in South Korea, world travler that he is, and emails and Skype are just not the same as having him here. Growing up, I generally liked him, though there were moments when I would have paid someone to take him. Today, I think I am the luckiest sister in the world.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Love of my Life

My first layout of my husband. I know. After almost 19 years of marriage, you'd think I'd have created several layouts of him, but there always seems to be photos of others that belong on the same page. Finally, it was the right photos and the right embellishments to do a page just for him. I think he has become more and more handsome as he ages (how unfair is that), and these photos show how good he looks. They were taken in the San Juan Mnts between Silverton and Ouray, CO over the Fourth of July weekend.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Today's Work

With the last days of summer quickly slipping away, I am feeling the crunch to do as many scrapbook pages as possible. Next week, my pace will have to slow, as I head to my classroom in the new building. I have a lot of setting up to do if I hope to be ready for the students. Luckily, today was productive...

Monday, July 20, 2009

How Could I Forget to Mention Harry Potter!

What was I thinking? Anyone who knows me well knows that last week, I was sitting in the theater, in costume, waiting for the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. While I must admit that my enthusiasm for the movies is a tad less than it was for each new book, I still very much adore them and breathlessly anticipate their releases.

Those that know me particularly well, know that 1. Movie 3, Harry Potter and the Prizinor of Azkaban was my favorite and 2. I can't stand Michael Gambon's portrayal of Dumbledore, much prefering Richard Harris' (from movies 1 & 2). Well, it is official. My favorite Harry movie is now Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and Gambon finially understood Dumbledore, for which I am grateful in this movie of all of them. Dan Radcliff did a superb job with Harry, and Tom gave Draco the duplicity he has in the books. Don't even get me started on Snape. I've loved him and Alan Rickman's portrayal since the beginning. He is masterful in this edition.

Anyhow, here is a photo from opening night...

Smitten with a Kitten

I wish my photos of Waffle were coming out as cute as those of Mallory. I am just as smitten with him, but she is just so photogenic! Yes, this is Mallory sleeping on my bed, under the covers, just as if she were human. When she gets sleepy, she is such a snuggler, and she purrs easily. Waffle is beginning to warm up to loving too. Of course, his beginning was much more sickly and painful than Mallory's, but he is finally seeming healthy, frisky, and snuggly. Hopefully, I'll get some more cute photos of him soon. In the meantime, prepare for Mallory mania!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today's Creation

My pages are usually browns and blues, but the lorikeets and Liam's shirt demaded more color!

Blog Watch; Day Two

Here I am again! I've already explained that I tend to go overboard when something captures my interest, and currently, it is my blog. It doesn't hurt that I have a lot to accomplish today, and of course, playing with my blog is a great way to procrastinate.
These photos are of the other current passion in my life: kitties. These precious babies were orphaned at a week old. A friend and I took on the duty of bottle feedings, cleanings, and cuddlings. These two, Mallory (the fuzzy tabby) and Waffle (black with huge eyes) have since become members of our family. Soon, I hope to scrapbook these pictures, but in the meantime, I wanted to post them to introduce everyone to our newest family members.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Plain 'Ol' Blog Excitement

I know myself well enough to know that multiple posts in a single day are highly unlikely to continue, but I also know that I over indulge in things that currently have my attention. Thus, a second post today! These are more scrapbook pages from the past week or so.

Summer Scrapbooking

Summer vacation has flown by. I haven't accomplished as much as I had hoped ("planned" is too strong a word for this instance, as it would imply that I actually set forth a notion of how I would get things done), but I did get several scrapbook layouts made. With my end-of-summer deadline nearing, I suspect my procrastinating nature of getting a lot done at the last minute will soon kick in and lead to many more completed layouts. In the meantime, here are some of our family memories preserved.